May 12 - Havre de Grace

She was raced by Rick Porter's Fox Hill Farm and finished her racing career as Horse of the Year. Grace became one of the anchors of Mandy Pope's broodmare band when she went through the Fasig Tipton sales ring for $10 million.

Fasig Tipton asked what Mandy would like as a "thank you" present and her answer was a Yorkshire Terrier. She was given a puppy that was named "Gracie". (Yes, that is Gracie in the painting with Grace.)

Havre de Grace was one of the few female Horses of the Year. She was also out of the first foal crop of another Horse of the Year, Saint Liam. He passed away in a farm accident leaving very few offspring to carry on his legacy and the greatest hope was Havre de Grace.

In the group painting, Havre de Grace is on the left with Groupie Doll in the center and Plum Pretty to the right.